Excavation Stillwater | You can count on us!
This content was written for MK Excavation
When it comes to any kind of excavation project we simply do whatever it takes to get the job done the first time because we understand how the customers time is money. We simply cater to every customer in create a culture where we provide and do more than enough for every customer to leave such a great taste in your mouth at their want their wanting and beg him to work with us every single time. This is just how we operate our business and this is how we gain our customer base that we have this far to creating customer service.
Are we do have heavy equipment to shape any soil Weatherby any land mass of soil doesn’t matter what it is north of the trucks to haul all of the materials. That’s right all of our hauling is in-house we provided ourselves so that we can save on costs and provide a faster and more effective process. We are unable to fill any hole with dirt or other materials because we understand how important it is to be able to do so as an excavation service. We are simply going to be your go-to excavation Stillwater company no matter where you are from.
We on for demolition Services because we like to blow things up. Blowing things up is pretty much are signature and we know that sometimes you got to blow things up to start fresh so we do that to get you a good foundation in the beginning. We have the equipment available to perform whatever work is necessary to satisfy the project plan so if it is specifically in the project plan we can take care of it. Whatever the customers Needs & Wants are we will cater to to ensure the best service possible.
We simply do background checks for all of our employees because we’d like to make sure that you will be working with only the most professionals on your property. We also do drug screen because in a sound mind in able to perform at the highest level possible. We clean up our messes that we make because we know how annoying it is for contractors to leave message. Always on time and punctual we definitely consider the customer on their time-management because we know that their work doesn’t stop with us they have much more to do to finish out there project.
We recycle all concrete and asphalt because we believe the recycling is the way to go when it comes to excavation. We will absolutely encourage recycling especially as your excavation Stillwater company ensuring the economy in better condition. You understand that anything is not recycled as halt to a land mass site where it is just simply dumped insist they’re wasting space and tearing up the environment. So we recycle as much as we can to save money and get back to the other our community. We believe that this is a strong packets of ours and we leave it other companies should do this as well.
Excavation Stillwater | We recycle for everyone!
This content was written for MK Excavation
No matter what the situation is we will always be your go-to excavation Stillwater. We do whatever it takes to create in environment for you to thrive is our customer. You understand that your time is money and we cater to your time as we understand how important it is to you. We believe it going above and beyond for a customer has the best way in the best route to do it. So we are always in tune with what the customer needs versus wants our because we want to provide the best service as possible.
We also do background checks on our own employees because we want to make sure that everyone is fit and suited to be professionally involved with any project that we get involved with. We are always doing drug screenings as well because we want to make sure so you have the utmost attention for all the employees. We also clean up after ourselves because we understand how I’m going to be for contracted just leave a heaping mess Pine after they’re done with their work. We don’t do that. We are very much on time and punctual because we understand how important the customers time is to them.
We also offer demolition Services where we can just blow some stuff up for you man I can’t tell you how much we love to blow things up. Blowing things up is so fun it’s like the cherry on top of a great day. It’s one thing to excavate the area and just create a foundation for you know someone but it’s a whole other thing where we get to throw Dynamite into the picture and blow some stuff up. Very fun. We understand how necessary it is because you have to start from the foundation and build back up. Are we have all of your commands of said Cox customer.
We also recycle a lot. We believe in recycling because what we know because we do the work we do everyday we’re very familiar with our industry that you know any extra material that is not used it hauled off to a big Landslide we’re just sit there all day just takes up space and ruin the environment. So what we do is we recycle all concrete, asphalt, any metal, and even rebar material and we reuse it and all of the project as much as we can so that we can ensure better safety for the environments and it also saves as money as well.
We are a Class D Water and Wastewater excavation company where we can work with any type of Wastewater material and clear out the area for you. This includes any type of water tanks oil tanks because water pipes sticking out we can work with it as well we have a license to do so. We also have the capability to install Andrew a lot of people can’t seem to get their hands on any more we are the guys who will help you out. We also shape all heroes fighting for erosion control we take care of that as well as your excavation StillWater Company.